Sunday, January 29, 2012

My experience with Your Wish is YOUR Command!

So back in July of 2011, I was at a crossroads of such, I knew I never wanted to go back to accounting or working for other people and since I had joined my first MLM company I was searching for online training programs that would help me build my business. I had an upline that basically was not helpful unless I was willing to pressure my friends and family, so I went about training myself to become a professional network marketer. I will return to this later.

Separate from this goal, I have always practice the Law of Attraction but in little ways, for instance if I wanted a couch I would put it out there and the universe would make a couch appear (side of the road or via a friend). But I had just finished reading the books "The Attractor Factor" by Joe Vitale as well as "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, and so I was really seeking knowledge as to how to make LOA work for me on the money scale. And that is when YWIYC appeared out of no where in my email, so there was my first experience of attracting what I wanted. I had attended the attracting abundance meetup and did not like that I had to pay $10 every week and so when Nancy's meetup came up at no cost I had to go. Anyway, I attended the first session and really liked it and then my car was repossessed that week, so at this point any other person would have just given up and not attended anymore thinking that no car meant no classes, not me, my teachability index was high and I was determined to go. So I asked Nancy if I could get a ride there could she see if there was anybody willing to give me a ride home? Again using the power of intention and what I was learning from YWIYC I was able to manifest rides there and Nancy or Miguel would give me rides home. There was one night though that my ride fell through and I was seriously disappointed, but I put it out to the universe that if this training was right for me that somehow I would hear the two cd's I missed (Nancy nor Miguel use Dropbox so this was not an option). Nancy sent me a text the next day and asked if she could drop off the two I missed so I could attend the next meeting, so there again, the universe sent me a clear message that I was in the right place at the right time.

We got to Cd 6 where we write down what we would want if money was not an option, and so my list had 15 things on it. Now that I am looking over it again I see that I have or am in the process of manifesting 8 of the 15.

First on my list was a new RV and I specifically listed a Winnebago, Cheryl and I lived in a 28ft older RV with my son and we were very cramped and since it was older things were falling apart and I was duck taping it back together (there is another story about how I manifested this RV to begin with but I will save it for another time, lol). Using what I had learned however I was not a complainer about what was wrong with the RV, I was simply grateful for having a home and I would tell the universe what it was that I wanted in my new RV. I did what Kevin said, I put my intention out there with power and intensity and I found a picture in a RV magazine of a Winnebago and I taped it to my fridge.

Now remember we learned that 99% of every thing is off of our radar screens! Keep that in mind. So a few months prior I had walked passed a Winnebago in the storage yard here and I called the number, when the woman told me she was selling it for $23k I immediately said well I cannot afford that and gave up on it. But while listening to YWIYC I kept hearing to not worry about the how, that I had to concentrate of the why and not the how, so I was walking the trail one day and saw the number again and decided to call again. This time I did not ask about the price I just asked if I could see the inside. We met the next day and this Winnebago had all the things I had wanted in an RV, it was beautiful and I wanted it. So back to the how, I had a blank money order in my purse for the payment of my current RV and I mentioned this to the woman, and she immediately lit up and said she would be willing to accept my current payments and was willing to work a deal. Within a few days I was in my new RV and it cost me no more money out of pocket than I was already paying!

The next thing I needed to manifest was a vehicle as I was really getting nervous about walking in the winter. On my wish list I had wrote that I wanted a new car and I specifically said I wanted a 4X4 and listed a Jeep. But I did not want to be in a huge car payment anymore, it had to be affordable, well when I got my tax refund Cheryl and I went to a car lot and low and behold there was a reasonably priced Jeep. Worked a deal with the salesman and drove off with my Jeep!

There are several other things on my list such as I want to be thin. A few weeks ago my sponsor Nancy gifted me a bottle of HCG (a weight loss cure ), I have been on it for one week and Im already down 9 pounds! Nancy had no idea that was on my list, she just saw I was struggling with my weight and there happened to be a member of GIN that sells the HCG at our meeting that night.

By stopping my mind from thinking about the how I have been much more successful with LOA. There are others things I listed like I want to help other people get what they want and I am actively engaged in that process. I listed I wanted money in the bank (didnt even have a bank account then) and now I have a bank account with a little money in it, but that will grow Im sure of it! I listed I want to pay everything forward and I currently am actively paying appox. 10% of my income out to my church and others. I also listed I want to be able to give my son the things he wants and desires without worrying about money. He really likes to play sports and he wanted to be a part of a team, and suddenly a free basketball league popped up at his school, and is currently signed up for a baseball league that starts in the spring so they are letting me make payments for the fees.

All of my desires will not be the same as they are for you, but the system works equally for me as it will for you! Have a chief aim. get a burning desire for its achievement and stop thinking about the how. Know that the universe knows best and is always working according to our intentions, we have to be in a state of receiving and be grateful for what we have and feel good now!

Im grateful, Im thankful and Im appreciative!

Back to my crossroads, and wanting a way to earn an income without working for other people. I mentioned that I had an upline that was viturally of no help and the trainings were all about friends and family, nothing about building relationships and providing value. With YWIYC I found a new opportunity and upline that is really teaching me how to succeed! I am surrounded by professional networkers and I am excited everyday at the possibilities!

Money will come in everyday effortlessly and I will pay it forward!

Peace, Love and Enlightenment!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Don't be fooled!


This was passed onto me via an email. It was suppose to be another one of those inspirational posts meant to make the reader feel that their circumstances are what they are and that they are not at fault!  

Really, this is a fallacy and if you believe it then you will forever be at the mercy of life and its many ups and downs! The truth is you can create your future and we are in complete control of our emotions in every moment of everyday!

So lets start with the first statement, OK maybe we can "stop analyzing the past" but only if we have accepted our role and actions that have made our present! If you take an honest look at your past and understand that you created your present through your past actions and thoughts, then you can take control of your fate!

The second statement says we should "stop planning our future", wow, now we might as well just stop living and just accept our reality as final! NOT! You always have to have a vision for your future, without a chief aim then you will never be able to accomplish your dreams!

Third statement says "stop trying to figure out precisely how you feel". Hmm? Your feelings are your gauge to life. If you feel bad you have to work on feeling better and if your feeling good then your goal is to feel even better! The better you feel the higher your vibration, the higher your vibration the more you attract like thoughts and circumstances. Always monitor your feelings and work on making them work for you!

Now for the true lie! "Stop deciding with our minds how our heart feels", your mind dictates how your heart feels like it or not! If you decide to feel sad then your heart follows, if you decide to be happy then your heart follows! If your using the Law of Attraction and are working on always feeling good then you are always tuned into your thoughts that control your heart. The heart cannot have a separate feeling from your mind, think about it, if your angry your heart cannot feel joy, and if your thinking hateful thoughts your heart cannot feel love!

Finally, if you accept "what ever happens - happens", then your accepting your life as it is and not  demanding more! You can have, be and do anything and everything you desire, you just have to define your dream and get a burning desire for its achievement!

In closing, we cannot allow ourselves to believe everything that pops up in our emails, and we should never become complacent and accept our circumstances as beyond our control. We are creators of our future whether we create positive or negative outcomes is completely up to us!

This is what it should say:
Sometimes we need to analyze our past ~ and use it to see our future.
We need to start using our mind to control our thoughts that control our hearts.
Sometimes we just have to know that what ever happens is our intention!

Peace Love and Enlightment!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

On Your Mark....Get Set.......GO!

Hello world! I came to play! Got my hard knocks out of the way, got my attitude right, got my goals, got my charts, got a mentor, got a system, got value, got gratitude, got a why, got no excuses!

January 2012 is one week down and I am so excited with all of the possibilities, I want to kind of share and chronicle my professional journey as I embark on a new successful me! I have set my goals high and I know that only with maxim effort and strong desire will I achieve them.

This week I will host my new YWIYC meetup group, this one I want to really work on not being so nervous in the beginning. The last one I did I was so nervous that first night that I totally messed up my introduction of my mentor. Thank goodness KT does the rest of the talking and I get to smile and nod!

I do take notes however, every time I hear the CD's I take something different away. I may have heard a certain part many times but as my circumstance and life changes, so does my perspective and with this it is very easy to hear the message when you have a something to relate it to. Its the whole "when the student is ready the teacher will appear" phenomenon.

It is a treat to watch all the people in the room hear the CD's for the first time, some get it and want more, others repel the info and you know they will not be back. But that's OK, if its not for them, its not for them. Its about the experience, its about exposure to new information and that's why I love to share this with people! My goal is to help people change their lives by changing there thoughts, but if they are not ready to change then at least they have been exposed to the possibilities.

Add to my meetup schedule my group has been invited to a Mega Meetup and we will have the honor of being a featured group! Yeah great exposure, I see prebooking my next 3 meetups from that night alone. Then as a bonus, a brand new woman's group just formed with 50+ of some amazing professional women in Denver, I am excited to go meet and network with them this month too!

I finally figured out how to connect my website, my blog, and my social networks all up. That was a trick in itself as I am stubborn and like to do things at my own pace (even though I have an amazing wife willing to show me how) and I really do not like to be shown, I wanted to do it myself! And so I did, sorta... well I think I did good :)

I even order the business cards and some fun promotional stuff, thanks to Vista Print and their easy to use and easy on the pocketbook business cards and other great stuff!

I'm all over it and ready for action!

I feel good and I'm excited for the changes, I'm excited for the gifts the Universe has yet to yield. Its out there, its real and I see it! Times of abundance, abundance of money, abundance of gratitude, abundance of happiness! Feeling good everyday and a knowingness, all is taken care of and all is perfect!

Peace, Love and Enlightenment!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year and Renewed HOPE for Sucess!

On this day January 2, 2012, I Joanne Bryant promise to be an excellent receiver, I promise to give of myself and my resources freely without judgement, I will attract abundance and I will take action for my success! I promise to love and be in love, as this is how God intends!

I will be 50 and fabulous and I will be worth a million dollars or more!

I have spoken so let it be true!
Lol, no really that is a strategy I use for making myself stick to what I have said I will do! If I say it out loud enough and to enough people then I have to follow through! Right? Hmmm, action speaks way louder!

So in 2011 I was spinning hopelessly out of control trying to figure out what the hell I wanted to do now that I had grown up! See I have spent the majority of my adult life raising my kids (20yrs old to present), my career was by default (had to do what I knew how to do), my education was a work in progress (but hey, it was in progress), my religious views were challengable, and my political voice had been all but silent for many years.

I thought I had all but figured everything out, about the Universe and all. As I was growing up and raising those children I learned a lot about life and people, I formed views and opinions, some strong some not so much. But my little box of reality was all I knew and as such what was retained as theory or process was limited and closed off! See I knew I believed in God, but to subscribe to any religion meant taking away the convenience of praying between meal prep and bath times. In terms of career, being a small business accountant was a no brainer, I was unconsciously competent at debits and credits, so that fit into raising four kids quite well. It dawned on me that if I allowed everything I had defaulted to to define me it would be a tragic lie!

Being reactionary had given me strength and resilience, now I have the power to be proactive and be a creator of my future, after all I still have one left standing to raise! The other three are grown and raised, but they can attest to the struggles and triumphs won and lost in our household. They know of the strong places of will and determination we came from to survive, but my 11 year old still has a chance to experience abundance. My youngest son has a chance to be a part of the change I always wanted to make, I have the opportunity to give him better tools. So while I am still a mother, my accountability is now unto myself, my purpose in life is by choice now and my gratitude for this knowledge is endless. I want to touch many souls and I am willing to do the things fearful people will not do!

With this I have vowed that my "job" is a source of knowledge not income which has freed me up to step away from accounting and accept a part time job with a non-profit. My networking business is my source of income and abundance, enabling me to connect and share with people the Laws of Attraction that I have always believed in! My meetups will be successful and overflowing with dreamers. I claimed a seat in a chair in an un-assuming sanctuary of the First Universalist Unitarian Church of Denver, which means I practice Love as my covenent and vow to take compassion in my actions. I am continuing my higher education via University of Phoenix and a Human Service management degree, putting a degree behind my mission to help people live and think better. As for my son? I tell him to lead by example and this is my ultimate vow, to live by example and allow him to dream big dreams and take action to achieve

 2012 is all about my New Acronym HOPE, Honor your Gifts, Opinions mean nothing, Problems are temporary and Empower yourself! Honoring my gifts is to be in every moment of everyday and being aware of the gifts the universe is constantly giving me and then taking action to better myself and my family. Opinions mean nothing, means I have to quit judging myself and letting it go when I feel judged! Problems are temporary means that even when times seem bad or when something happens that would normally take me out of the game, it will not be allowed! Finally with Empowering myself, I take total control of my destiny today, I accept all responsibility for my role in my life thus far and no longer chose the hard road! I chose to be a winner in my life with a million dollar why!