Sunday, December 23, 2012

How are You?

How are you?

How many times a day are you asked how are you? Well…… How are You? Are you one of the mundane “fine”, are you the caffeinated, carbonated “Great, I’m Terrific” or are you one of those who has completely disconnected from yourself that you say, “I can’t complain”? I knew a 75 year old woman who used to always say “I cannot complain because no one will listen.” That’s a lie, someone is listening and that someone is you! Here was a strong willed, seemingly strong woman, I mean she could do more push up’s than most of the young men in the office. But someone had told her a long time ago that no one is listening. She carried this program with her everywhere she went and right on cue, when someone asked how she was out it would come. What if she and you understood this precious little question to be your true self, your spirit self’s way of getting a gage for how you truly feel? What if there came an understanding that this small moment in your day was actually spirit showing you a mirror so that you may stop and access how you truly feel?

You see when you are spiritually in tune, intuitively guided, your rarely asked how you are, your spirit and the people around your spirit know because how you feel is ever present! When you walk in a room people know just how you are because they can feel it, they say “Wow, you look awesome”! That is spirit talking to you! Your being, your true self, your infinite possibilities are joyous in its presence and this is what people are reflecting back to you. Just be warned that they will also reflect back to you if you obviously are not well. For if in that moment of “Hi, how are you?” you just want to explode and tell them your freakin pissed off and feel like blowing something up, then that is also spirit talking to you, reflecting the poison within that needs tending to.

In fact when those feelings are present and your at that moment of explosion and spirit is reflecting the disharmonious response, more than likely your ego, your super hero protector, your night in armor immediately takes over and says, “fine”! After all your ego would not want you to appear as vulnerable, All systems down, no higher connection available. This is not to say you should blurt out how pissed off you are, no, but you could say, “I’m a bit off, but I’m gonna work on that. Thank you for asking.” See now you have just allowed consciousness to connect with you and you’ll hear the warning signal.

Warning Will Robinson, Warning! (my apologies if you have no idea who that is) It is also a time when you make a verbal agreement to work on that. However you choose to work on it, counseling, coaching, physic intervention, spiritually, or hell even religiously (although I do not recommend it). Whatever way you choose your life begins to consciously unfold and that’s just the beginning. The beginning of you true journey through this time continuum.

Once you consciously walk your path, awake, aware and connected, Aula! Your now a conscious being thoroughly of the understanding that your having a physical experience. No turning back now!

So now when you are asked, “How are you?” and you make that connection to yourself the words you speak will come from your heart. Even though some may still choose to say fine, the expression is more pronounced as “I AM fine.” This expression may also be accompanied by a loving look in their eyes or even a gentle touch of their hand. These are all expressions that are seen, felt and not just heard. “How are you?” as a greeting is such an exchange of energy that extends beyond that current minute, it is a mirror that is the person asking you the questions as well. Checking in with yourself in that moment and first speak the truth within you, then respond accordingly, but also ask how they are in return. You might already know how they are or you may not even want to know how they are but you will have extended the mirror back to them for their reflection. You have extended a piece of themselves back to them for them to experience.

There is something very profound that happens when you realize that every person presented to you on any given day is an exact reflection of ourselves. We all are so connected that we bring people, things and situations into our field that reflect back exactly what we are transmitting. If we look though our 3D anti-reflector glasses we see nothing but an annoyance, an interruption of our routines, we view it as a block to what we are trying to do. Our 3D anti reflector glasses holds us in our ego state and cuts off communication from source energy. Source energy from high has many layers to pierce through to get our attention.  This information that source has for us cannot be given unless there is a surge from you first.

First we connect to our conscious and establish an understanding of consciousness (not without or egos kicking and screaming though). Once we make that agreement consciously to hold the connection then other sources can come through. Consciousness can then reach out to a source even stronger, our higher selves. Our higher selves can then communicate to us easily because we have bridged the gap, the signals are strong and there to receive insight. It is so important to spend time in that space. As you have so much to tell yourself.  Trust that what you’re hearing is truth. CAUTION! If the voice you connect with tells you everything that is wrong with you there is an imposter. That is your ego camouflaged and set for destruction!   Your infinite self speaks softly, lovingly with a tonality that says I am only here to nurture you and guide you and it doesn’t lie!

So while it’s not going to tell you that you’re a lying sack of crap, it will speak to you and suggest you  not lie next time. Your higher self never tells you your ugly it simply suggest you see more of what is beautiful inside you. It does not excuse you from responsibility it simply guides you to the most effective route to take. If you are in tuned to the right voices life will change instantly from self hate, depression, despondency, self battery, apathy and discourse to a life of expansion, self awareness, inner beauty, love and blissful joy. Then is when the final connection gets plugged in. Source energy which is from creator source originates forth and seeks a connection, it can connect with the angelic and ascended masters because the vibration of the energy exchange is equal and a steady frequency. These higher vibrations are able to coil through the dimensions and connect to you. It cannot connect with your conscious without this chain reaction because your brain is only able to vibrate at a 3D earth speed. But with the surge from within and the forge from above you can now download from Source! YAY!

All of this happens in those seemingly small moments in your day when someone asks you, “how are you?” Speak your truth in that moment, if but at least to yourself and really see when spirit extends a helping hand with your reflection shining right back atcha!

Much Loving Light and Unbounded Love for you ALL! Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Transcript: Jesus Sananda “You are Being Penetrated with Light of a Magnitude that You Have Never Known”

This one truly expresses what ascension means to me! I was so deeply touched by these words I shared them with my 12 year son! Hopefully the words touch you as well, no matter if you believe in ascension or not!

Transcript: Jesus Sananda “You are Being Penetrated with Light of a Magnitude that You Have Never Known”

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Birds

The Birds

I knew the birds were different this year, I have been trying to pinpoint what it was I was experiencing through the birds all year. I had the privilege to experience the miracle of what happens in the spring. I watched as a marriage of two singing spirits engaged in the dance of nature. In the smallest tree within my sights I experienced the birth of new life. New earth, perhaps.

Two eggs guarded at all times, against predators and the elements alike. The two proud parents diligently sat in waiting, waiting for that moment for the babies to break through, all the while singing and dancing. And at just the right time and just the right moment the babies pushed forth. Emerging in all their vulnerability and exposed from the shell that protected them. Life seeks love and love unto them they had in parents who watched over them and protected them.

That whole spring I watched as they took turns watching and feeding those babies. You could hear their little chirps as they knew mama was coming to nourish them. But then came the time to go out of the nest. Time for flight and freedom. The first baby got the hint with a gentle nudge from mama, but no amount of nudging would move the other baby who was still clinging to the safety of the nest. Finally, one day I came out to check and realized the Mama and Daddy had abandoned the nest all together. And there he was, he knew he had no choice but to fly. I did my best to coax him and give him words of support , encouragement to just jump! And so he did!

 This process was revealing to me a new birth, one that is born unto trust and love but steeped in vulnerability and exposure. The new babies were completely dependent upon the two spirits for flying lessons and nourishment. From that point on we are left to fly, to soar out into our new world and spread our love and joy.

The summer sure showed me how the birds were spreading their joyous message. I would see them at intersections swooping down amongst the cars and circling back up to the light poles. I would listen to them chirp from tree to tree telling the secrets of what is to come. Occasionally a crow would pipe in and tell them all to hush, they would just giggle and continue singing. Their messages were always based in a high vibration of love. So as fall set in I thought I would miss my bird family, but again something different happened.


I began to notice the movement of the Geese, normally they would do a couple of ceremonious fly over’s but then be on their way to warmer climates. Not this year, they didn’t go anywhere they just kept flying over in formation as if to affirm that were not going anywhere. This led me to just ask the question of my guides. What is really up with the birds? Then I had to be quiet and listen. The answer came today as if it was a freight train slamming against my head. We woke up to a cold layer of snow with winds that were blowing it almost horizontal. There was a complete thick cloud cover and yet the birds were singing. A few had a little squabble which drew the attention of a nearby squirrel. So he had to run up the tree to check it out.  As the birds scattered they flew as if there was no wind in their face nor was there any snow to block their vision.  And then it hit me! These birds, these beautiful creatures are so connected to source and spirit that they are already experiencing the new earth.   They are playing in a winter wonderland as if it were the botanical gardens full of sweet scented flowers and blooming shrubs. The birds are showing us how to play on our new earth. Thank you for your grace! Thank you!

We have been given our lessons and fed our nourishment and then we learned how to fly. Now is our time to fly freely spreading joy and love. We get to co create the winter wonderland and play in it as though it is purely a tropical paradise!  

Connecting the Dots

Connecting Dots… Putting lifetimes in order or disorder depending on your growth cycles is how we have arrived right here right now. Connecting or disconnecting the dots along the way.
We are either in alignment or not, we have either learned our lessons or not. When one is in line with the lessons being taught one can grow, one can expand, one can experience balance, leading to wholeness. A wise old Shinto Master recently told me that I was stupid, “Joanne, you talk to much”. What? I have been accused of being many things and yes talking to much is one of them, but STUPID? So I had to sit with it for a while, not allow it to penetrate my spirit, but allow the lesson to rise to the surface. To be stupid is just to not know, accept that there is something you do not know that will lead you to knowingness and at that point you still don’t know what you don’t know. But the beauty in being stupid is you get to grow! That same Shinto Master told me two days later; “stupid is good, God likes stupid because you grow”, I grew exponentially that day.

The same message was given that day at a workshop, not directly to me but to the collective. Know that our lower selves do not know the answers, but trust our higher selves do. So we ask out loud and quite insistent, WTF? What in the heck have I done to experience such a journey? Then we forget to be quiet and listen, in those moments we miss are our answers. We are looking for the big epiphany, lightning bolts, and thunder, “I mean after all I have made this glanderous stance and demanded answers.” Silly stupid child, the answers do not come with drum rolls, no not at all, they come in soft kind voices, subtle nuances of nature. There exists dew dots of information that turn on ideas, divine guidance that connects to the light of the greater consciousness grid.

The trick is to not be so stupid that you spew your stupidity all over humanity. Because we know we are stupid we run around asking questions and sometimes we think we already know all the answers so we run around screaming it to people, all the while we’re only answering our own stupid questions. This journey of serving the ego in loud and overbearing patterns is what leads to decisions made of the lower vibrations. Decisions based in greed and selfishness. When you step into your power and make decisions from a higher place you nourish your God Spirit. When you feed your ego its like eating Chinese food, your only going to be hungry again in an hour!!

“Stand!”, “Stand Child Stand” A Native American grandmother explains how she takes in a broken child. She must first teach them to Stand in their presence and know they are God’s child. Not stand to look up to her or anyone else, nor is it to look down upon any other entity, only to look within oneself and give respect to your God self. Our bodies have an amazing guidance system known as Chakras, when they are in alignment you are balanced and vibrating joy and love, when they are out of alignment we manifest dis-ease. If I stand to look up at another then I throw my alignment off, if I stand over and look down upon another again I’m throwing my alignment off. But if I stand in honor of me, hold that stance through every step of my journey, then and only then will there be complete alignment. With all chakra points in perfect alignment, vibrating colorfully there comes good health, good feelings, higher vibrations of Joy, Gratitude, Peace. All vibrations that absorb our life lessons, absorb light, then these processes of growth are sustainable and expansion occurs. This is where the dots start connecting….

Going back to the alignment part. Through our many lifetimes we have accumulated that Karma stuff. We carry our unlearned lessons from lifetime to lifetime like big sacs of dirt (later to be replaced with shit). Clumps of clay or buckets of schmoot whatever visual gives you the willys. The load feels burdensome; in fact we really just want to throw it down and stomp off from this big ole sac of shit. This load weighs on our internal navigation, shuts down chakra points and causes lower vibrations, manifesting as cancer, tumors and sick organs. When in reality it is our golden eggs nest hidden in our sac. For each lesson piled in there is a golden nugget waiting to be dispersed. When we learn a lesson and consciously make adjustments to our behavior and thoughts thus aligning our bodies and minds to the message then we are growing. Then we are expanding!

So as each piece of this dung, if you will, is pulled up for review; we have a choice. A profound shift one way or the other is at hand. The trick is in perception; the choice is pivotal for alignment and growth however perception is the catalyst in the learned lesson’s sustainability. I can either take that piece of crap and perceive it to be an excrement of large proportions or I can choose to see it as the tiny nugget that it is. Perception is my first choice and as I see my nugget in its true form I can choose to fuse it with energies of Love and vibrations of gratitude. This is how we turn dung into gold. Once you see the golden nugget in every lesson your free to do what you want with it, either set it free to help another or put it in your wealth pocket for future benefit. You see you become free and that sac that your hauling gets lighter and lighter. If your really lucky you’ll notice the little strings attached to each piece of crap you pull out of the sac, these strings are attached to other lessons still in the sac. When this nugget turns to gold one can follow the golden strands into the sac and shed light on the other crap. Awe…… yes connects the dots. So as each nugget is transmuted we become more balanced. Alignment takes place.

The beauty of our contracts here on this timeline of earth school is that we get to take part in an alignment en’mass. Everyone has their bag of crap and everyone has made a choice to offload. Certain ones have pre arranged to hold onto heavier loads, to carry more crap than most. This is their soul service to the ascension process. If it were not for them each of us would not have lighter loads. They carry the burden of hate and fear so that we may feel joy and happiness. Certain ones are here with no loads at tall, they have incarnated for their first earth experience to hold pure energies, with no karmic attachments at all which allows their vibration to lift as we climb. There are still others that have successful fulfilled all of their lesson plans. Their sacs are empty and they have cast their golden nuggets to others, but instead of going home for a well deserved vacation they decided to stay and see the ascension process through to its end. They kept enough gold in their wealth pockets to become a beacon of golden light for the rest to see. Whatever the purpose; each soul is fulfilling their lessons and seeing themselves as whole in order to benefit the greater good, the collective. The Oneness is complete when we connect all the dots!

This is not an end of the world; it is the birth of a new golden age! Spend some time seeing and feeling the shift and rejoice as you watch what dots connect for you!


I See

I see a world of absolute abundance and prosperity for ALL! I see many colors of beings, from two legged, four legged, crawlers and swimmers, I see flowers, trees, birds and animals all living together harmoniously in joy. If the storms come I will be there to stay calm and look for the signs of light. If the earth shakes off all that has plagued her, I will be there to guide people to safety. If the waters rise in order to cleanse and reshape I will tread water and know in my heart that what is coming will be a new earth, a Gaia that will be the beautiful star that she was always poised to be.

The lesson that I have learned so far is that I am a powerful being. I am more powerful than I ever knew. I know now that not only am I created in the eyes of God but that I have been designed to help others see the light within them. I have also learned that my beauty has no limitations, God made me to create and reflect beauty in all. My power to influence others has been used in vain in my past. I can release that part and say thank you for the lessons.  It is not my destiny to get the things I need from others, God has always provided me with what I need, it is my destiny to gain from inside and garnish the force from within as the God source. Abundance and prosperity is there for all to attain without taking it from another.

Before our earth can be recreated or rebirth to her natural place of wonderment there has to be a cleansing, she has to shake off the bad stuff. This could happen spiritually, etherically, spontaneously, or even physically, its all in how you perceive it to be. I will not be in fear of this, I will be empowered with my own knowingness.

The lessons I have learned will serve with the co creation of the ONE, together we help manifest the new landscape of our earth. I am stepping into my power now, I deserve to be rich in thought and in turn I provide value to others. I am a powerful co creator. I know abundance will be ours and I am personally open to receive prosperity in all its forms.