Wednesday, January 1, 2025

 I speak Truth

I speak Love

I speak many things from high Above

Not to judge 

Nor scar your soul

Use of discernment my gifted tool

Words come to me the instant I am asked

The wisdom I carry, always given never tasked

Ye lessons come quickly

I bow to only One God

Tell me your Woes and I wont pretty it with bows

I'll say with God's Love 

What ye ears need to hear

Truth sometimes hurts, till you absorb the lesson my dear

Lest ye be doomed to repeat

year after year

The lessons being taught, very clear


Truth on the spot

Always on point

Lest ye have an empty ear!

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Prayer for the World

 I will share a poem I wrote:

As I lay me down to sleep, I pray the world to be at peace. If I should die while all still sleep, I pray my soul goes with God complete. 

Longing for a place I see in my dreams, a planet with love and harmonic regimes. One breathe in, full of sweet air. One breathe out heals all the soul bares. 

As I pray for a world so perfect in my vision, I recall my day of carrying out my mission. Standing up strong, shedding light from the dawn, ramping up with love till there is calm. Slowing fading off to sleep, I see rainbows flowing upstream, all the colors begin to swirl, oh what I glorious new world.

 Envisioness hopes turn to synonymous dreams, third eye opens into the blessed night beams. I can feel the warmth that heals sickness into health, All are present and excited for restored wealth. No life untouched, no more world of toxins and no more homes made of boxes. 

Love is the law and Angels fly free. So with all this I do decree, as I lay me down to sleep, I pray the lord my soul to keep, if I should wake to a world still bleak, I pray my soul leaves a blinding streak. For this new word I do seek and it from the old I do speak!

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


MamaJo's Blog: LET’S HAVE THE CONVERSATION: LET’S HAVE THE CONVERSATION    I was guided to write this quickly and succinctly after reading a post on facebook entitled “Dear Whi...

Friday, May 1, 2015



  I was guided to write this quickly and succinctly after reading a post on facebook entitled “Dear White Facebook Friend”! I want to open the conversation with love, and peaceful approaches not anger resentment or your strong opinion one way or the other. Save the righteousness for your journal not here. My grandma always said if you cannot say anything nice don’t say it at all.  What she should of said is, if you cannot find it in your heart to speak with love then shut up until you can!! Just Listen instead!!

  My first inclination was to keep going and not read the post, as I have tried really hard not to pay attention to the chaos that is ensuing across our globe.  Ask anyone they’ll tell you I have a hard time with the news and will not discuss the violence and dismay they insist on spewing! But I read it all the way through, without judgement and without fear of what it might bring up in me! See Im a white woman in this country but I have always refused to see the racial differences in anyone I meet. I meet the person and if they resonate with me Im happy to revisit the encounter. 

  But what I didn't know was what my own child had been faced with his whole life. My son is mixed and up until a couple of years ago I had no idea he had any misgivings growing up in a white family! I was aware enough to protect my son from obvious discrimination but I wasn't seeing the everyday struggle he had to face in school or the military. I had turned a blind eye because I didn't not want to see the disparity that still existed.  It hit home one day on a road trip with my son, we were on our way back to Colorado and the highway was shut down in Wyoming. Like everyone else we got out of the car to go into the local gas station and get some information on timeframe or possible alternate routes. We were about 5th in line and everyone asked their questions and paid for their purchases. When we approached the older white gentleman his smile became stern and when we asked if there was an alternate route we were abruptly told to go back to where we came from! A little confused and ignorant of what this man was actually implying I asked again if there was another way into Colorado cause that was our home and going backward was not my intent. Again he said “I don’t know what to tell you lady except to turn around and go back west.” With that said I bought a map and walked out with Michael only focused on finding another route home.  It didn’t dawn on me until half way down that mountain and everyone was asleep what that white man was actually saying to me.

  So I say lets stop being angry that it does happen, stop pretending it doesn’t happen, and stop feeling apathy like there is nothing you can do when it happens. Start talking about it, start loving conversations about what racism really means to you and with the people around you.  My aunt asked me if I thought it would help to hire an all-Black squad in Baltimore, my answer is of course that might make a huge difference, but the reality is that’s not happening with the labor laws for racial equality in the job place. Of course you cannot just hire a black only public police department, not without backlash.  But the real reason I do not see this as possible is because there is nothing in place fostering these youth into a partnership with the police.  They are and will always be the Po-po to the disadvantaged communities. These young men in these communities are targets and suspects in their own neighborhoods. Why aren’t we talking about it more? My aunt at least wanted to have a resolution but I think before there can be resolutions there has to be an out loud conversation about the actual problem!

  Have you ever felt like you were judged, hurt, told no just because of the shade of your skin? Once we can get that elephant out of the room I bet we can start working on other atrocities festering among us, like bullying fat people and equality for all LGBTQ people young and old. Think about it for a while, don’t feel inclined to respond to this post, make your own post if you feel guided. Talk to your kids, text your friend, confide in your pastor. Whatever it is you feel guided to do, just do it but do it out loud and do it from a place of LOVE! Lets have the hard conversations and then lets listen to each other with our hearts! It is time for all loving things to be born anew but not until we have cast away every ounce of duality, fear and silenceness!! We are the love and light! So Be it! 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Fly, Fly, Fly

I do allot of writing these days, mostly in my journal and I always mean to share them but somehow they stay on paper and never make it to you, the people I love. This is one I wrote after Thanksgiving of 2014 sitting on my then sunny patio. It came to me in a flash and I wrote it just as quickly, then never really gave it much thought. It wasn't in my journal and kept popping up randomly pretty much asking to be shared. As I was typing it out I was so amazed at my actual message was, to me at least. As you read it take in what the message says to you.


  The birds are back and they are leading me away again, over my head, into my ears, up through my throat! The birds are back and my message is clear. “Get moving you can’t stay here!”
Fly, Fly, Fly they say, Fly our way through the wide open sky. I awake, Im aware, oh am I so aware! Ah but if I were not awaken I wouldn’t be so bare!
Wings, Wings, Wings they say, hear them through the air.
Ears, Ears, Ears with which I hear with a pair. “Not those” they say, “those are but nodes placed at ends to receive the tones!”
“We sing, we dance and we move about with purpose and we are grace while you are distracted with your phones.”
“Heads up our human friends, when we fly it is for you to see. Not with your eyes but with your heart. Leave your heart and your ears open and forever will you change and just be.”
Fly, Fly, Fly they say, “Fly your way through the vast open sky. Do it with ease and intend all good things. For when we take flight it is not because we have prayed, it is because of our faithful wings!”
Wings, Wings, Wings they say, purposeful and oh so pretty. Give us the grace to take flight without all that pity!!!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Today is the Day!

    So I Awoke this morning with this familiar program running in my head. Even tho I have spent so much time blowing this particular program out, thought I had conquered it, banished it and was never to see it again. Hmmmm..... dam so here it was again, LACK! A heavy sigh to bear as you wake up No money no bud :( !! It's a warm comfy place I tend to hide under when Im faced with trusting my own wings, run out get a "job jo", "your gonna starve", beg someone for something cause now you are needy again! ugh really?

     I read my mantras, spoke aloud my gratitude's! Nothing..... still lack! Ok what else? If you feel badly the goal is to feel better, I had gone from an 8 on the feeling scale to just a 7 (gauge yourself between 1 & 10, ten the worse), I wanted to be at a 2 or 3 so I didn't carry that energy into my day and manifest the experiences lack! Not on this day, one day before the most thankful day we have!

     Time to pull out the big guns! My own big guns! I always practice what I preach so I started reading my own blogs. I lift as I climb and I teach as I learn, so the best sources and material I have is in my own handwriting. Or typed into this blog. One day I will get it all published but for now I know where the words are. To re-read my journey and see where I was compared to where I am today. Wow such growth and shifting I have achieved!

     To often we measure ourselves by others standards or we compare our achievements against someone else's. No good guys, growth and success can only by measured by how far you have come! We all start right where we are and can only get as far as we allow ourselves to go!

     I reached back, pulled gold forward, and most importantly recognized the program of lack, thanked it for always being there, however "we are ok", more than OK! No money no bud turned into a much more enlightened view.

     Today all my bills are paid, all the goodies needed for the turkey are in the frig! Today all my needs are provided for and tomorrow is not mine to worry for, God, spirit this loving universe knows better than me!

     Ok now I was at my 2 and my juices were flowing! Today I woke up with a familiar feeling, I was pulled to being rash, making decisions based in fear! Today it was different though, today I have tools in the shed! Today I didn't allow the fear of lack to drive me away from my dreams!

     Today I offer myself deepest thoughts of gratitude and fortitude for ALL on this planet. Its not just about being thankful on Thanksgiving, its ALL about just being Thankful ALL the time. Today I offer my gifts of light to all of the world, well maybe just my small portion of it! Life coach, spiritual counselor, personal program buster, midnight brainstorming! Whatever. Wherever you are there is a path to where you want to be, that path is yours to travel, your free will travels freely! My services to you simply help clear the blocks and blind sides and I'm a dam good ear if you just need that too!

Love and Light to take your days from an 8 to a 2!!!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Raising My Vibration

 I have spent much of my time learning about vibrations and energy exchange, and over this time I have learned that my energetic vibration is in direct relation to what I am able to manifest. The trick is in tapping into the frequencies of the Universe and then adjusting my personal tuning fork (emotions) to exactly what it is I desire. I cannot transmit the vibration of a low density and expect to receive caviar, well that’s not true, I can if that’s what I desire, however the treat I receive will likely be tainted and I will not enjoy it. On the other hand, if I stay focused on higher frequencies and tune in with love and service to others I attract loving people and circumstances into my world.

It is important for me to note the importance of digging deep within myself to release the density and programming embedded. Releasing them and filling the empty spaces with high vibrational affirmations and mantras. Just when I think I have released my quota for the month, wholly crap here were some more programs.  I am still spotting programs and releasing them as a core exercise of my daily work and I diligently seek information that helps me grow, because I now truly understand the adage “If you are not growing, Your dying!

But back to manifesting, I knew I had an ability to attract certain things and places since I was a young girl. I would have long drawn out fantasy play lands where I would narrate the story as it unfolded. I was a girl so my fantasies were about getting married and having children. For example: As a little girl I would lay awake in my bed and pretend my husband and I were hanging out (in the bed) we would have dinner there and play with the all of our kids there and we would even entertain our guests from our bed. I would be acting this out with feeling and emotion, actually whispering ever so softly so I could hear my voice but no one else could hear me.  As a little girl I was able to fully engage in the nightly act, physically and emotionally, there was no doubt nor fear. I held a high vibration naturally because I was a child. Every child starts this way, in a wonderful wonderland of creation and color. We believed unconditionally in our world because we had no reason to believe anything otherwise. I never once for a moment thought that my imagined husband wasn’t real or that we weren’t really having dinner and laughing about a funny joke. It was real to me then and I looked forward my play land every night.

This is a prime example manifestation, whatever it is we desire, it starts with setting an intention and beaming it out to the Universe with substance, emotion and detail. This is where it gets interesting to me, it is incredibly insightful to look back and clearly see how what I rolled played as a child actually happened to me at some as an adult. When my childhood playtime scene was actually playing out in front of me, I didn’t understand why I had married a man who did nothing but stay in his room in his bed. I wasn’t familiar with the terms of what “you get what you think about most”, “thoughts expand”, or that “we are 100% responsible for our circumstances”. I was in victim mode, “why is this my life?” instead of creator mode, “thank you Universe and source for providing me the exact experience I created as a child.” I didn’t remember my childhood fantasies because I was too steeped in the quagmire of the lower vibrations of envy, jealously, judgment and anger. “Why did my life turn out this way?”

Well simply put, it’s the universal law of attraction, everything is energy and everything we experience is from a vibrational field that we are emitting and receiving, it encompasses us and the galaxy. When we match a vibration with an emotion and focus on our desire then it comes in lightening fast. However, one  must be careful what it is they indulge, for they might not be ready for the results.

It’s not that I did anything wrong as a child, I just didn’t know what I didn’t know. How was I supposed to know that I would pick up a whole lot of negative programs growing up? That these programs would drive me into the lower densities of desire, lust, regrets and sadness.  Programs both negative and positive are shared with us by our loving surroundings like our parents and extended families, teachers, our religious or non-religious leaders, you name the influence and I bet you can see where they left you with a belief. Sometimes these beliefs serve us in positive ways by encouraging and uplifting us and other times they serve us negatively by keeping us in patterns of behaviors and actions that continuously lead back to the same dilemmas and situations. For me they were beliefs like, “you’re not pretty enough” or “you’re not smart enough“ and “you’ll never be skinny if you keep stuffing your mouth”. My favorites came from my mother after I was married and had four kids, “you had all those kids, so now you get to deal with them” and of course her short and to the swords edge sweet one was “you married him”!

 The details of my childhood playtime came to fruition but they did so in the current vibration I was in at any given moment. And it wasn’t until now and as grown woman I can connect where and why that situation manifested for me. I had married a man who did nothing but hang out in his bed, playing video games, watching TV and yes even entertain guests from his throne, uh I mean bed. The problem was that is not what I wanted for myself. 

So when I understood that what I was doing as a child was as simple as the Law of Attraction, what I acted out and believed in would manifest and what I engage in with emotion and intention would appear in my world, oh what a relief. I stepped out of victim mode; I stopped surviving and started thriving. To know I had 100% responsibility for everything I created. YAY!

 So after much work on me via various workshops, CD’s, videos, and books I have come to understand a good portion of vibration and the law of attraction. I can now say that every day I take full credit for my circumstances, every thought, every emotion, and every intention sets my stage. I am fully engaged in my creative playtime and I adjust the frequency of my vibration to always be on high with gratitude and thankfulness.  I take the steps back from my current perceived reality and really look at what is I am manifesting. What am I vibrating? Is it wrapped in love, joy and harmonious threads of color? Or is it wrapped in the energies of hate, greed, jealousy or regret? Whatever it is; manifesting right in front of me is just what I called forth…….thank you.